Income results are based on a variety of factors, therefore, we have no way of knowing how well you will do. Your background, your work habits, business skills and further personal skills will all play a part. Therefore, we do not guarantee that you will get rich, do well, or make any money at all. In using our systems you are accepting the responsibility and possibility that you may not do well.

Internet businesses always have unknown risks involved and everyone is not cut out for this type of business. Any decisions you make based on the information we provide should be made with the knowledge that you could experience financial loss.

Any products and services offered via this site are for educational purpose only. You are at your own risk in putting these into effect. Feel free to seek the advice of qualified professionals, such as your accountant, lawyer or professional adviser, before acting on this information.

We advise you to use your own due diligence when making business decisions based on any products and services you find on this site. All information, products and services we provide should be independently verified by your own qualified professionals. Our information, products and services should be researched and evaluated before you make a business decision on whether to rely on them or not.

In using our site and products, you agree that our company is not responsible for your success or failure when using the information, products or services we provide.